YellowPencil Visual CSS Style Editor provides everything that you need for customizing your site design. The plugin comes with advanced features like visual resizing, drag & drop, measuring tool as well as a ton resources that background patterns, sweet fonts, and trend color palettes also it has an advanced responsive tool which allows you customize your site for any screen size.
Key Features
- Customize any page, any element
- Auto CSS Selectors
- 50+ CSS properties
- Visual Drag & Drop
- Visual Margin & Padding Editing
- Live Element Resizing
- Manage the changes
- Live Preview
- Undo / Redo
- Export stylesheet file
- Export / Import
- Automatic Update
- Shortcuts
- Well Documentation
CSS Properties: Text
- Font Family
- Font Weight
- Color
- Text Shadow
- Font Size
- Line Height
- Font Style
- Text Align
- Text Transform
- Letter Spacing
- Word Spacing
- Text Decoration
- Text Indent
- Word Wrap
CSS Properties: Background
- Parallax Background
- Background Color
- Background Image
- Background Blend Mode
- Background Position
- Background Size
- Background Repeat
- Background Attachment
Other CSS Properties
- Margin
- Padding
- Border
- Border Radius
- Position
- Width
- Height
- Animation
- Lists
- Box Shadow
- Filter
- Transform
- Opacity
- Display
- Float
- Clear
- Visibility
- Pointer Events
- Overflow
Design Tools
- Element Inspector
- Single Element Inspector
- Live CSS Editor
- Responsive Tool
- Element Search Tool
- Measuring Tool
- Wireframe View
- Element Box Model
- Gradient Generator
- Visual Animation Manager
- Visual Animation Generator
Design Assets
- 800+ Font families
- 300+ Background patterns
- Trend color palettes
- 50+ Animations