Abstract is a fun, colourful blog style premium WordPress theme from Woo Themes which is laid out neatly in a spacious grid structure with a mashup of shapes and curvy lines. The Abstract theme features a custom home page which can include specific page content and your latest “x” number of blog posts, fully widgetised sidebars and footers and comes with 5 different colour schemes to choose from.
- 5 amazing colour schemes to choose from.
- A custom home page to include specific page content and your latest “x” number of blog posts.
- A completely widgetized sidebar & two widgets spots available in the footer.
- Custom widgets included in the theme packaging, including a “Contact Details” widget, “Campaign Monitor subscription” widget and a dedicated “Popular Content” block. No third party widgets required
- Styling for the lifestream widget.
- Integrated Theme Options (for WordPress) to tweak the layout, colour scheme etc. for the theme
- Automatic Image Resizer, which is used to dynamically create the thumbnails for the blog posts on the home page
- Custom Page Templates for Archives & Sitemap
- Built-in Gravatar Support for Comments
- Integrated Banner Management script to display randomized banner ads of your choice site-