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A quick and simple portfolio solution with WordPress and Bootstrap
RAMS is a minimalistic, app-styled, rational and functional WordPress theme based on Bootstrap 4 and Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Pro. It features a Layout configurator for home and posts, allow to choose which elements are displayed in certain order, like the titles, sidebar, featured images or videos, and easily configurable galleries with the optional Envira Gallery plugin. Home is selectable with 6 layout styles, allow to choose the default “ramsgrid”, column grid, row grid and Masonry style, with Packery, Isotope filtering and Infinite Scroll integrated. Other customize options like custom colors for text, buttons or backgrounds, spacing, and much more, also are included. All options are configurable in one control panel settings based on “switching” logic, an innovation made with ACF that brings the user a very easy and friendly interface based on switch and select fields. Simply import the included demo and replace with your own content. Ideal for personal portfolios for artists (photographers, designers, painters, gallery owners) and personal pages.
v 1.0.7
- Demo updated
- Compatible with WP 5.8
- Added Theme Updater
v 1.0.6
- Demo updated
- Compatible with WP 5.7 and PHP 8
- Removed outdated scripts
v 1.0.5
- Demo updated
- Compatible with WP 5.6
- Compatible with PHP 7.4
- Child Theme included
- Removed Ekko Lightbox
- Replaced Search Modal
- Some functions optimized
v 1.0.4
- Added fix to sidenav menu
v 1.0.3
- Revamped Frontend with new font used (Space Mono)
- Code and some functions optimized and rewrited
- Added title and captions compatibility on galleries
v 1.0.2
- Added SimpleParallax.js
- Added dropdown transition to sidenav menu
- Code and some functions optimized
- Some adjustments on typography
- Correction on documentation based on user suggestion
v 1.0.1
- Fixes on Parallax and some CSS classes
v 1.0
- Initial release
[sr_product_name] is developed by [developer_name] (Known and Good Developer)
If you want more information about this product then visit the main author’s website.
This plugin was uploaded on our website [sr_release_date]
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You can get [sr_product_name] here on a huge discount on individual purchase, If you buy WordPress GPL themes membership then You can free download [sr_product_name] as well as You will get access to all the products ([product_count]) free like WordPress, Woocommerce, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, Muse, Opencart, Prestashop, Shopify, Unbounce, Ghost, Tumblr, Virtuemart, Graphics, Html templates, Php script and more … free! We provide an automatic upgrade service for the wp plugin, WordPress GPL themes provides 24/7 hour support by Email, Live chat, Whatsapp, Skype, as well as Phone Call support.